15 JULY 2020


Let's learn about Indian Armed forces in an Interactive way with Augmented Reality

Team: ARHub

Responsive image


Let me ask you some simple questions related to Indian Armed forces.

  1. How many Commands does Indian Army have?
  2. Do you the complete working structure of Indian Army?
  3. Do you know the nearest Army command from the place you are living now?
  4. Can you tell how many gallantry awards are there?
  5. Do you know about Infantry regiments?

If you are able to answer all the questions well that's impressive but if you don't then don't worry as most of us were not able to answer even a single question from above. It's because we were never taught about these important things and if ever taught then most of the time either in boring text format or some video. Therefore we developed a mobile application to enhance the learning experience and also reach more people.
The main idea behind our mobile application is to use the power of Augmented Reality to teach or I must say aware them about Indian Armed Forces. Our concept enables anyone to take interest in learning about our SAINIK and how they function.We have incorporated many features which I'll be explaining below.


    1) Navigating Army Structure in AR
    It's always difficult to learn about the structure diagram of Indian Army. With the SAINIK application you'll be able to see the structure of 3d model in your space using AR functionality.

    2) Navigating Army Command & Regiments in AR
    It's difficult to imagine location of Commands and Infantry regiments on map of India so we created an option where users can spawn 3d model of India and then can interact with it and on interaction a card will popup at different parts of Map showing cards with details of Infantry or regiment in that part of map. Sounds Exciting?

    3) Hall of Fame in AR
    This part is most interesting and exciting. Here we tried to mimic a portal kind of experience for our user such that when a user spawns the 3d model in front of him then he can move into a room where we have displayed great warriors and wars.

    4) Interact with 3D models of gallantry Awards
    In this section we have given the option to interact with the 3d model of Gallantry awards on your mobile screen with details of each medal at it's bottom respectively.

Currently this application only supports Indian Army and rest two wings i.e. Naval and Airforce is under development phase.

Technology Used

  • Unity
  • Maya & Substance Painter (3D Assets)
  • AR Foundation

System Specification

Currently our application is only functional on Android devices. For the functionality of AR check whether your device supports AR Core or not Click here to check

Permission Needed

  • Camera permission for AR feature



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