7 MAY 2021


AR enabled Android application for plant watering.

Developer: Praddyum Verma

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Water is an indispensable requirement for plant growth. If enough water is not provided to a plant at appropriate times, its growth may be erratic or stunted. This task is one of the main reasons people are hesitant about owning plants. Corporate work life prevents people from being able to give adequate time to their plants and ensure its well-being. This is a problem we aim to solve with Drops

Drops is a plug-and-play device which incorporates IoT in its core. We created this product with an objective to give the user the ability to not only monitor the plants remotely but also water them with the push of a button over the internet. Drops has an add-on of Augmented Reality to enhance the user experience which brings the process of watering the plant in front of the user’s eyes in a fun, interactive way using 3D models and animation


    1)The app uses the dynamic and modern AR technology.

    2) Portable hardware

    3) Accurate and Reliable.

Technology Used

  • Unity
  • Blender(3D Assets)
  • AR Foundation
  • Arduino IDE
  • Hardware [ NodeMCU esp8266, one channel relay, moisture sensor etc]
  • Firebase

System Specification

Currently our application is only functional on Android devices. For the functionality of AR check whether your device supports AR Core or not Click here to check

Permission Needed

  • Camera permission for AR feature

Video Walkthrough


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