1 Feb 2021


AR enabled Android application for Education purpose.

Team: Teamname

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Our solution is to use Augmented Reality technology to transform the usual learning experience into an immersive and extremely exciting experience.
We are targeting multiple age groups with different sections in the app. (from teaching about letters to small children to teaching teenagers about the Geography)
Learning via AR is highly interactive and the chance of the learner getting bored is massively reduced when compared to classical teaching methods.
We believe that learning should be a fun journey and not something students dread.


    1)The app uses the dynamic and modern AR technology.

    2) There’s something to learn for every age group.

    3) The app is extremely scalable to accomodate more subjects and topics in the future.

Currently this application only supports contents for primary and secondary sections and other parts are still under progress.

Technology Used

  • Unity
  • Blender(3D Assets)
  • AR Foundation

System Specification

Currently our application is only functional on Android devices. For the functionality of AR check whether your device supports AR Core or not Click here to check

Permission Needed

  • Camera permission for AR feature



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